Cheapest Websites in Bend!
If you need a simple website and don’t want to pay for all the extras, we can help.

Cheapest Websites in Bend Oregon
We can create a simple website to save you money
We know that some small businesses are using many other media channels for their marketing such as social media, email marketing, Google My Business, etc. and need only a simple website as a landing page. We can help.
Are You Too Busy to Learn Web Design?
Currently Wix and Squarespace cost over $400/year and you still have to learn how to create the website yourself! Have us design it for you, and the ongoing (annual hosting) cost will be half of that.
Although the basic setup to create a website includes support for an unlimited number of pages, the content creation and site organization for a simple website will be very basic. This saves time and means we can set up your basic website for less money than anyone else in town.
Basic websites which are just a couple of pages, will cost $1500, but will not include management training, hosting fees and other features of the normal website cost.